Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana

As under this scheme the people who are disabled, disputed, blind, orphan children, divorced women, widow with a child, women who are freed from prostitution, people suffering from serious illness or disease, abandoned women, transgenders, outraged women etc . So all those people who comes under these categories will be included under this scheme. Moreover these people will get a financial assistance by the side of the Maharashtra state government.
Eligibility :
1.The people who are disabled, disputed, orphan child, divorced and widow women, women freed from prostitution, outraged and abandoned women, people suffering from severe diseases etc will be included under this scheme.
2.In case of the disabled persons the disabilities should go beyond 40% in order to be a beneficiary of Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana 2018.
3.To be the beneficiary of this scheme all the affected people must be below the age of 65 years.
4.The monthly family income of the person should not be more then Rs. 21000, if it goes beyond this amount then they will not be able to get the benefits of this scheme.
5.Most importantly to be a beneficiary of this scheme the person should be a permanent resident of Maharashtra state.
Benifits :
1.The person who is affected individually will be provided with Rs. 600 per month.
2.In case the family has two or people affected than they will receive an amount of Rs. 900 per month .
Documents Required :
1.Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Scheme Application Form
2.Age proof document
3.Income certificate to prove family income is below Rs.21000
4.Certificate of BPL (Below Poverty Line family).
5.Certificate issued by Talathi / Gramsevak Certifying deceased was Earning Head of the Family.
6.In case of major illness, Medical certificate need to be submitted. Medical certificate should be issued by the medical superintendent or the civil surgeon of Government hospitals.

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana

PMJJBY is a renewal term insurance policy that, provides a yearly life insurance coverage of Rs. 2,00,000 in case of the demise of the insured person, at the most affordable premium rate of Rs. 330 per annum. In order to help you know more about the policy, we have discussed some of the key features and
Eligibility :
1.Any person aged between 18- 50 years.
2.Requires saving bank account in any bank participating for this scheme.
3.Premium amount is Rs. 330 per annum.
Benifits :
1.The total amount that can be claimed under the policy is INR 2 lakh only
2.Death caused by any reason your family we will get policy amount.
Documents Required :
1.Copy of bank account to which policy is enrolled
2.Copy of adhaar card benefits offered by the policy.

Janani Suraksha Yojana

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is an Indian Government scheme proposed by the Government of India. It was launched on 12 April 2005 by the Prime Minister of India on the birth anniversary of Kasturba Gandhi. It aims to decrease the neo-natal and maternal deaths happening in the country by promoting institutional delivery of babies. This is a safe motherhood intervention under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). It is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme it integrates cash assistance with delivery and post-delivery care. The success of the scheme would be determined by the increase in institutional delivery among the poor families.
Eligibility :
1.All pregnant women under Below Poverty Line can avail this scheme.
2.All pregnant women of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
3.Age of women while delivery should be 19.
4.This scheme is benefited till second child.
Benifits :
1.Benefit of Rs. 600 if admitted in hospital.
2.Benefit of Rs. 1500 for cesarean delivery.
Documents Required :
1.Copy of Bank account
2.Hospital admission card.
3.Copy of Adhaar card
4.Birth certificate of Beneficiary woman
5.Residence Certificate

Bal Sangopan Yojana

Child protection program is being implemented in the age group of 0 to 18 years for the orphans, destitute, homeless and in other ways the child is in distress. Under this initiative, children whose parents are unable to take care of their death due to separation, leaving a parent or other disaster, they are provided a temporary second family. Every child has the right to take care of the family. As a result, this program is made available to the child for a brief period or for a longer period of time.
Eligibility :
1.Any children between age 0 to 18 who have no parents.
2.Child labourer not appearing for school.
Benifits :
1.Benefit of Rs. 425 per month.
Documents Required :
1.Copy of Ration card
2.Copy of Adhaar card
3.Photograph of beneficiary with Parents
4.Birth Certificate / Bonafide Certificate of beneficiary.
5.Death Certificate if parents are dead
6.Income Certificate
7.Bank account Passbook

Mazi Kanya Bhagyashree Yojna

This scheme is belongs to Maharashtra State Government. Now the Maharashtra Government amendment the amount of fund, Now the Amendment fund for eligible candidates for this Yojana “Mazi Kanya Bhagyashree Yojna 2018” is 7 lacs rupees. This Scheme was launched to Increase Girl Child Birth rate, Level Up the Girl Education, Stop Sex Determination & Health in the State.
Eligibility :
1.Girl born on 1st of August and onwards can benefit this scheme.
2.Mother with one or two girl child can benefit this scheme.
3.Mother with third child cannot benefit this scheme.
4.Beneficiary must be resident of Maharashtra to take advantage of this scheme.
5.Women in Child homes can also get benefited.
6.The family income with less than Rs 7.5 lakh will benefit from this scheme
7.Mother/Father should undergo family planning operation.
Benifits :
1.Amount of Rs. 50000 for one girl child / Rs. 25000 for two girl child.
2.Once girl become of 6 years, 12 years, she will get interest on deposited amount.
3.Girl and her mother should have joint bank account with 1 lakh accident insurance.
4.Rs. 100000 (one lakh) will be deposited on bank account once a girl is 18 years old.
5.GrandMother and GrandMother of Family with one girl child will get a gold coin.
Documents Required :
1.Proof of operation after one or two girl.
2.Copy of Ration card
3.Copy of Adhaar card
4.Copy of Bank account’s passbook
5.Birth certificate of child

Term Loan Scheme

The main object of the Corporation is to implement various schemes to uplift lifestyle of Charmakars (Dhor, Chambhar, Holar,Mochi etc.) who are economically weak and below poverty line and with an intention to develop them educationally, economically and socially so as to give them respectable place in Society. Also production of various types of Footwear & Leather Articles & supply to Government Departments & sale in Open Market. Corporation is implementing the Term Loan Scheme of NSFDC , New Delhi from the year 2002-03. For implementing the said Schemes, Govt.of Maharashtra has given Govt.Guarantee for Rs.15 Crores in the year 2001-02 and now Government has given Guarantee of Rs.31.15 Crores in the year 2014-15. Under the Term Loan Scheme,Corporation are disbursing the loan for the purpose of various business to the beneficiaries of Charmakar Community.NSFDC is providing Term Loan from Rs.1,00,000/- to Rs.2,50,000/- to various schemes. Also there are different limits for Vehicle Loans. Term Loan of 75% of the Project Coast is Sanctioned by NSFDC, Corporation is giving 20% Seed Loan & Rs.10,000/- as subsidy and remaining 5% is contribution of the beneficiary. NSFDC is charging interest @7% p.a. on its loan & Corporation is charging 4% p.a. For term loans above Rs.5,00,000/- NSFDC is charging interest @8% p.a. and Corporation is charging interest @ 4% p.a. Term Loan installment is payable every month for a period up to 60 months.
Eligibility :
1.Person from other backward category living in Maharashtra.
2.Age between 18 to 50.
3.Applicant should not have money due in any of the bank or corporation.
4.Applicant should have annual income less than Rs. 98000 whereas Applicant from Urban area should have annual income less than Rs. 120000.
Benifits :
1.Loan on project of less than Rs. 300000 (Three lakh) with 6 % per annum
Documents Required :
1.Income Certificate
2.Caste Certificate, Copy of Ration card, Passport size Photograph
3.Rent receipt of porject place, agreement, 7/12 utara
4.Academeic Qualification / Birth Certificate
5.Two guarantor certificate
6.No Objection certificate for starting business from local swaraj sanstha
7.Required proof / licence to start a Technical business